Buffalo Missouri Work Comp lawyer

Can I Turn Down Light Duty Work in Missouri Work Comp

Can I Turn Down Light Duty Work in Missouri Work Comp?

This is Missouri Worker's Compensation Attorney, Jason Krebs. And in today's video, I thought we'd answer a question that we get quite a few calls about, and that is, "Can I turn down light duty work if I'm on Missouri...
Is It Worth It To Hire a Missouri Work Comp Lawyer

Is It Worth It To Hire a Missouri Work Comp Lawyer?

This is Missouri work comp lawyer Jason Krebs. One of the big issues with a lot of people that call our office is they're concerned about the cost of hiring a workers' compensation attorney for their Missouri work comp case....
Can Posting on Facebook Hurt My Missouri Worker's Compensation Claim

Can Posting on Facebook Hurt My Missouri Worker’s Compensation Claim?

This is Missouri Worker's Compensation Attorney Jason Krebs and in today's video we thought we would share something that we're seeing more and more frequently in Missouri work comp cases and that is the negative impact social media could have...
Krebs Law Firm Covid 19 - Attorney in Missouri

The Krebs Law Firm LLC and COVID-19

With the coronavirus, it seems like things are changing on a day by day basis, but The Krebs Law Firm LLC has been ahead of the curve. We remain open 24/7 to our clients and future clients who need our...
Will Covid 19 Delay My Missouri Work Comp Case

Will Covid 19 Delay My Missouri Work Comp Case?

On March 19, 2020 the Missouri Division of Workers Compensation effectively closed to in person meetings. You may ask, "Will Covid 19 Delay My Missouri Work Comp case?" How does this affect your Missouri Workers compensation case? At this point...
How Much is My Missouri Work Comp Knee Injury Worth

How Much is My Missouri Work Comp Knee Injury Worth?

This is Missouri Work Comp Attorney, Jason Krebs. In this video, we answer a question that we get quite frequently: "What is my Missouri Work Comp knee injury worth?" Now, there's a lot of factors that go into what...
Can A Missouri Work Injury Lawyer Help My Shoulder Injury

Can A Missouri Work Injury Lawyer Help My Shoulder Injury?

One common Missouri Workers Compensation injury is a shoulder injury. It makes sense. Whether from a lifting injury or a fall where you use your arm to brace yourself and a rotator cuff injury ensues. While that seems pretty straight...
How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Missouri Workers Compensation Lawyer

How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Missouri Workers Compensation Lawyer?

The simple answer is that it costs 25% of your final settlement or award plus expenses to hire a Missouri workers compensation lawyer. Please note that you do not have to pay 25% of your Temporary Total Disability check that...
Can My Missouri Work Comp Attorney Sue For Pain and Suffering

Can My Missouri Work Comp Attorney Sue For Pain and Suffering?

Generally speaking, your Missouri Work Comp attorney is not allowed to sue your employer for pain and suffering related to an injury on the job. When the Missouri Workers’ Compensation statute was passed, there was a trade-off made between employers...
Missouri Workers Compensation Benefits Vary By Location

Missouri Workers Compensation Benefits Vary By Location

If you're injured on the job, are your workers compensation benefits the same in Missouri as they are in other states or in other parts of Missouri? Missouri work comp law is very different than other states' workers comp laws....