How do I win my disability case in Springfield Missouri by a SSA Appeal lawyer

How do I win my disability case in Springfield Missouri by a SSA Appeal lawyer?

Do I even have a good disability case in Springfield Missouri?

These are questions that I receive very often.  There are no easy answers to these.

There first thing is do you really think you are disabled from working?  Be honest.  Are you really disabled or can you simply not find a job?   Don’t confuse needing the benefits desperately with having the evidence you need to be successful.  I recently spoke with a very nice person who was going to his primary care doctor twice a year.  In all but the rarest of disability cases this is not remotely enough.

The Springfield Missouri ODAR is becoming one of the toughest places to win an appeal.  Medical records and strong work history are very important.  No disability lawyer can wave a magic wand and create evidence or solve these problems.  A good disability case is not something that generally is made overnight or made in the hearing room when the documents are not supportive.  (Hearing prep which I personally do with all my clients is vitally important but for other reasons).

You cannot have too much treatment documentation.  If you feel yourself having difficultly physically or mentally and think that this may be something you may need you need to start getting this treatment and other documentation NOW.

Don’t quit work and then start, start now.  Explain to your doctor who the problems are giving your problems at work.  Be specific  “I can’t sit for more than X minutes” or “I can’t use my hands out in front of my to type for more thant X minutes before the pain becomes too much  Statements like “I can’t work” or “I hurts” don’t do much good.  Those vague statements do not tell SSA what is going on with you and how your work suffers.

The decision to apply for Social Security disability was likely a difficult one. If you have been denied, right now, you probably are frustrated and may be overwhelmed with the process. The key is understand it is this is normal. I know that is cold comfort and doesn’t put any groceries on the table, but most people are denied.

You are likely upset thinking “My neighbor got benefits, but there is nothing wrong with her”. This is natural. However many people who receive social security benefits have severe conditions that others cannot see or they do not tell others about. It is likely that they, too, had to fight or their benefits. Your friend, relative or neighbor probably has no idea about the problems you face.

The key to a successful appeal is taking control, getting help and using the waiting period effectively to your advantage.

Thinking of applying? Get this FREE report by a Springfield Missouri SSA Appeal lawyer and learn how to avoid the 3 common mistakes that get most people’s disability application denied automatically.

Click Here To Get Your FREE Report Now

Contrary to what some lawyers claim, they cannot “cut the line” for you nor do they “ have an inside source at the ODAR office” that gets their cases heard faster.

If you have been denied the clock is ticking! Many people may be worried that they do not have the money to pay for a disability attorney, but we only handle Social Security cases on a contingent fee basis. In other words, there is no fee unless we are successful in getting you the benefits that you deserve.

The longer you wait to start the appeals process the longer your wait will likely be to receive Social Security Disability benefits. You should contact a lawyer who handles Social Security Disability benefits denial appeals as soon as you receive your denial. Do not wait or lay the denial aside to “get to it” later.

If you would like to speak with me simply call (417) 883-5886 or Toll Free 1800 345-0535 for your free case evaluation or to discuss your appeal today!

If you would like a free, no obligation case evaluation click below and answer a handful of simple questions.
Please note that filing out this form does not mean my office has accepted representation and no attorney client relationship is formed by submitting this form.

Also filing out this review form is not filing your appeal and this website in no way related to the Social Security Administration.

Click Here to to Start Your Free Disability Evaluation