Missouri Semi Truck Accident Attorney

With the many people that pass though the Springfield Missouri on I-44 and Highway 60 and 65 and Lebanon Missouri area every day on I-44, Highway 5 and 32, and unfortunately car and truck accidents are far too common.  It is important to get a Missouri semi truck accident attorney involved immediately after you or a loved one is injured by a semi truck driver’s actions.  It is important to contact an attorney so quickly so that evidence can be preserved that will likely vanish if you wait.

There are new regulations meant to help keep our highways safer, and reduce the number of semi-truck accidents caused by fatigued drivers. These new regulations are significant changes and have come as a result of the danger from fatigued semi-truck drivers on the Interstate highways. There have been numerous serious semi truck accidents involving truck drivers who were fatigued and driving tired.

On July 1, 21013 the new federal regulations that modify hours-of-service rules went into effect, affecting thousands of truckers on U.S. highways.  Under the law, truck drivers will be required to take a break of at least a half hour in the first eight hours after they begin driving.

The new regulation also sets a maximum workweek of 70 hours.  This is a reduction from the earlier 82-hour limit. The new regulations also set an 11-Hour Driving Limit.  Now a semi truck driver may drive a maximum of 11 hours after 10 consecutive hours off duty.

If you or or a family member was injured by Semi truck driver in Missouri or Arkansas, The Krebs Law Firm LLC offers a free case evaluation if you have questions about your truck accident. Many people may be worried that they do not have the money to pay for a personal injury attorney when they were injured by a semi-truck driver but we only handle accident cases on a contingent fee basis. In other words, there is no fee unless we are successful in getting you the money that you deserve. If you would like to speak to Jason Krebs and his staff simply call (417) 883-5886 for your free case evaluation today.

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