9 Mistakes Not to Make after a Branson Missouri car accident- Branson Injury Attorneys

9 Mistakes Not to Make after a Branson Missouri car accident Branson Injury Attorneys

If you have been injured in a Branson Missouri personal injury accident, you probably have lots of questions regarding your medical bills and what the at fault driver’s insurance company will do.

As a former insurance defense attorney, I know secrets that the insurance companies do not want you to know about auto accidents.

Auto accidents are stressful events. Insurance companies will call you and be very friendly. But insurance companies are hoping that you make a mistake after you are involved in an auto accident — a mistake that could work in their favor and keep you from getting the compensation you deserve.

Here are mistakes the insurance company hopes you’ll make and the 9 Mistakes Not to Make after a Branson Missouri car accident

1. Not getting enough information at the scene. Important information, including names and addresses of people involved, can help you case. The names of witnesses. Use your phone and get pictures of license plates and the driver and witnesses. If you do not get the information at the scene of the Springfield Missouri auto accident, it could be gone forever. You cannot take too many pictures of the scene. (make sure the pictures are stored somewhere safe)

2. Waiting to see a doctor. You have to prove your injuries were caused by the auto accident with evidence. This means your doctor needs to documents your injuries. If you wait to see you doctor, the insurance company will argue that the injuries were not actually caused by the accident.

3. Exaggerating your injuries. If your claim is not supported by medical evidence, no one will believe you. Exaggerating your injuries will only make you look like you are trying to fool them to get money.

4. Under stating your injuries. An auto accident injury case is no place to appear as a “tough guy.” Hiding injuries to look brave can be just as detrimental to your case as exaggerating your injuries. Even the smallest injury should be reported to your doctor.

5. Missing your doctor appointments or having treatment gaps. Any time you miss an appointment, it appears that you are not actually injured. You give the insurance company a readymade argument that you are not hurt. It also makes it more difficult to explain to a jury why any appointment was missed.

6. Not following your doctor’s advice. Doing what the doctor has recommended shows that you are trying to get better.

7. “Putting it all out” there on Facebook or social media. See this post. This cannot be over stated. The insurance company is just waiting for you to post something. Don’t assume what you know what will or will not hurt you. They will be looking at what you are telling the world.

8. Not keeping accurate tax returns. If you have lost wages because of an auto accident, the best way to show this is through tax returns. If your returns are missing or inaccurate, it is difficult to prove that you have actually lost money.

9. Not being completely honest with your attorney. This is a very big one. If you make a claim for your personal injury your life will be examined. This includes your work history (or lack of), your medical history, your lifestyle, your criminal background, and family life will be looked in to. Your lawyer can’t protect something if we don’t know about it. Here’s the deal. This includes trying to hide past accidents. You have to disclose any previous accidents you have been involved in or trying to hide preexisting or post accident injuries. It is vital that you are honest and up front with your lawyer about any and all injuries from before and after the accident. Only then will they know how to effectively present your case. Hiding these accidents will only make you look less credible. If you think with insurance companies endless resources that you can hide something, guess again. It is best to be completely honest for your attorney to protect you.

Avoiding these 9 Mistakes Not to Make after a Branson Missouri car accident will help your Branson personal injury attorney present your case in the best way. Were you or a loved one injured in an accident? Do you need more information about recovering from an auto accident injury?

If you want more information about what you should do after a car accident and
learn more about common missteps (and how to avoid them) order your copy my free book before you speak with another lawyer or anyone from the other drivers insurance company.

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Clearly, situations where a victim would benefit from legal representation for a car accident claim far outnumber situations in which having an attorney is unnecessary. Fortunately, we are here to provide you with the assistance you need after a crash. When you are ready to take the next steps, contact me at 417 883-5886 or Toll Free a 1800 345-0535 for a free, no-obligation consultation.