Missouri School Bus Accident Lawyers

Missouri School Bus Accident Lawyers

Your kids are the most precious things in your world. When you put them on a bus you entrust the school district and the bus driver they have chosen to keep your kids safe and get them to school,home or their activities safely.

When a school bus is involved in a crash, getting a call from the school or a hospital saying that your child has been injured can be one of the most stressful things a parent can go through. Anger that your child was hurt due someone’s negligence is normal.

Missouri drivers are required to stop when a school bus stops to let students on or off. Many kids are injured every year when negligent drivers aren’t paying attention because they are looking at their cell phones and fail to stop.

Some drivers think there time is too important to wait for your child’s bus and try to pass a school bus while children are crossing the street to get on the bus or after exiting the bus.

When Another Driver was at Fault

Time is of the essence when a crash involves another car or truck hitting the bus because if the accident involved many students, insurance coverage of the driver may be of issue.

When the Bus Driver Is Negligent

Sometimes a child is injured because the bus driver wasn’t paying proper attention or wasn’t properly trained. Children can be hurt when a bus driver runs off the road, hits an object or another vehicle, or the bus moves while children are still getting on or off.

When the school bus driver is at fault, you may be able to recover compensation from the school district, which should have insurance to cover accidents caused by school bus drivers. However, recovering damages from a school district, which is a government entity, can be a long and challenging process that may require a lawsuit.

Recovering Damages After a Missouri School Bus Accident

If your child was injured in an Missouri school bus accident where another motor vehicle hit a school bus or the bus driver was at fault, your child may be entitled to payment for medical bill, as well as receive compensation for your child’s pain and suffering resulting from the injury. Other types of damages for which you might be compensated include loss of normal life, emotional distress, and disability or disfigurement.

Missouri School Bus Accident Lawyers

All Missouri settlements involving children are required to be approved by a Missouri judge. The insurance companies involved will have accident lawyers represent the school bus driver and the other negligent driver. Should your child have someone in their corner?

Unfortunately, if you attempt to pursue a claim without the assistance of an experienced attorney, you cannot go back and undo what you have already done. Learn more about these missteps (and how to avoid them) in my free book before you speak with another lawyer, anyone from the school district or other drivers insurance company.

who is the best car accident lawyer in Missouri for my case [JPG, 100.17 KB]

Here’s a sample of what you’ll learn when you open the pages of this book:

  • How to properly handle inquiries from the insurance company… it’s sad, but being a “nice guy” and answering “a few simple questions” can cost you dearly!
  • Keys to determining just how much your case is worth – the many different factors that can literally mean thousands, if not tens, even hundreds, of thousands of dollars.
  • 8 ways to make sure any lawyer you choose to represent you can make the most effective arguments on your behalf.
  • DANGERS of Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest – the key mistakes you do NOT want to make on Social Media immediately after your accident and while your case is being settled.
  • What to do if the insurance company offers to pay your medical bills… do NOT just jump at the chance, it could well be a big WARNING sign going off!
  • 6 common mistakes you do NOT want to make that could negatively affect your case in a big way.

Click Here to Get Your FREE Book

When you are ready to take the next steps, contact me at 417 883-5886 or Toll Free a 1(800) 345-0535 for a free, no-obligation consultation.

That’s why I created a service I’m calling My 5 Point “Accept No Limits” Consultation – it has a real retail value of $299, but because I want to help as many people as I can get the answers they need during times of extreme hardship and difficulty, I’m making a limited number of these available at absolutely no charge. All you need to do is call my office at (417) 883-5886 or Toll Free 1(800) 345-0535 reserve your spot.

Here are the different elements of what you’ll experience during this in-depth consultation:

  1. A Real, Live Face-to-Face Meeting. We’ll meet face-to-face to discuss the specific details of your accident and what happened. You won’t be filling out a web-based data entry form, sending an email, sitting on hold waiting for a real human to answer – you and I will sit down in a room and talk things through. We’ll get to know each other the old-fashioned way – where we can share and learn from each other.
  2. A Comprehensive Situational Assessment. I’ll let you tell your story in your own words – you talk, I listen. As appropriate, I’ll ask questions to help you recall ALL the details – to make sure we both end up with an identical picture of exactly what happened that put you in this situation.
  3. A Preliminary Documentation Review. I’ll conduct a preliminary review of any supporting documentation you have that’s relevant to the accident and situation – this includes photographs, accident reports, police investigation notes, citations, and any witness statements. In addition, I’ll review information about your accident and injury, which could include repair bills, doctor’s notes, emergency room notes, photographs, X-Ray results and MRI results. In addition, I’ll check to see how your automobile insurance and health insurance factors into your current and potential future situation.
  4. An Honest and Open Q&A Session. I’ll answer any questions that you may have – such as how medical treatments will get paid for, how long the overall process will take, potential awards from the Insurance company, costs of litigation, and more. I’ll be open, honest, and do everything I can to answer your questions to the best of my ability.
  5. Your Customized “Next Steps to Fairness” Proposal. Finally, after going over your situation, I’ll lay out in clear, easy-to-understand language, what I see as the strengths and weaknesses of your case. In addition, you’ll walk away with specific suggestions on what I see as your best course of action moving forward.

GUARANTEE: While I can’t guarantee ultimate results, I will guarantee our conversation will provide clear, actionable information that you can use to move forward with confidence knowing you’ve received timely and prudent advice.