Once again, I was at the Springfield Missouri ODAR for a Social Security disability hearing and witnessed the awkward meeting of a claimant and his attorney for the first time moments before the hearing began.
The claimant was upset that the secretary assigned to his Social Security disability case by a big social security firm had not adequately prepared him for the hearing. He knew he wasn’t prepared and was walking into a hearing that would greatly affect he and his family’s future. I truly felt bad for this individual as there was little that could be done in the minutes leading up to the hearing to prepare him for what could be the most important hour and a half of his life.
As I’ve said time and time again, when you meet your disability lawyer is important. Especially if you are over the age of 50 and trying to get your Social Security disability benefits in Southwest Missouri. The Springfield Missouri Office of Disability Adjudication and Review is one of the toughest in the country. You need every advantage to have the greatest chance to get the benefits that you deserve. I personally prepare each of my clients for their hearing, not a secretary or paralegal and I found this is very helpful to most clients. I have had numerous clients agree over the years.
The Krebs Law Firm LLC offers a free case evaluation if you have questions about your Social Security disability claim. Many people may be worried that they do not have the money to pay for a disability attorney, but we only handle Social Security cases on a contingent fee basis. In other words, there is no fee unless we are successful in getting you the benefits that you deserve. If you would like to speak to Jason Krebs and his staff simply call (417) 883-5886 for your free case evaluation or to discuss your appeal today! Do not delay as you only have 60 days to file your appeal or ask for a reconsideration if you live in Arkansas or Oklahoma.
If you would like more information about the Social Security disability application process or the appeals process, please request one of my FREE ebook reports.
(Don’t worry I won’t sell or give your email to anyone)