Why You Should Act Quickly After a Missouri Semi Truck Accident
Hello, this is Springfield, Missouri semi truck accident attorney Jason Krebs, and in today’s video, I thought we’d answer the question, why should I act quickly after a semi truck accident. It’s important to remember that a semi truck accident is not the same thing as a car accident. There’s a lot of the same principles involved, but because of the nature of the trucking industry and the size of the trucks involved, and the fact that they go nation wide and in interstate commerce, they have their own special rules and regulations.
When a semi truck is involved in a motor vehicle accident they have a trained team, typically most trucking companies have trained teams or their insurance companies have trained teams, to send out to start the investigation of the motor vehicle accident immediately. Sometimes while the truck is still there on the side of the road to investigate the scene of the accident while the highway patrol might be.
How do I know this? I used to be a trucking industry attorney and insurance defense attorney, so I know that these things happen, and they happen rather quickly.
How does that affect you? It affects you, in that if you’re the injured party, you’re already playing defense or behind the eight ball, because the trucking company is going to have a lot more information than you do. While you can sometimes wait on a car accident to talk to a lawyer, you should get a hold of a semi truck attorney as quickly as possible so that they can start conducting their investigations, start preserving evidence, and those type of things to give you the best chance to get the greatest recovery when you are healed up, or the best that you’re going to be.