Hello, this is Springfield Missouri disability lawyer, Jason Krebs.
And in today’s video we thought we would tackle a topic that we get a lot of questions about or there’s a lot of confusion about and that is when should I apply for disability in Missouri or Arkansas?
Now there’s no real pat answer for that. It’s a very complicated question
because everybody’s different and everybody’s medical conditions are going be different, so it’s going be dependent upon what it is you’ve either one, been out of work for a year or you are expected to be out of work for a year or more or permanently, that work from Social Security standpoint right now, what we call SGA or Significant Gainful Activity or Substantial Gainful Activity as its sometimes called, right now for 2016 is $1,130 a month. ($1,170 in 2017)
So if you’re making a dollar more than that it doesn’t matter what’s wrong with you, you’re not disabled under the Social Security regulations.
Now a lot of people think,
“Well, I’ll just quit work today and I’ll go apply for disability tomorrow,
and if I’m approved, I’ll start getting a check,” and it’ll be seamless, or maybe they’ve got some sort of a temporary disability.
Well, there is no temporary disability or partial disability under the Social Security regs. There’s things like partial with the VA, or there’s partial with the VA, but there’s no temporary disability like there might be in a Workers’ Compensation case.
You’re either 100% disabled or you’re not under the Social Security regs.
And even if you quit work today and Social Security approved you tomorrow,
you’re not going to get a check for five months.
So the question of when I should apply for my disability in Missouri or Arkansas
is really dependent upon your medical condition. You know, are you treating?
Is there some suggestion that this condition, this problem is going last for a year or more or for the rest of your life?
If so, then that’s something that you should probably strongly consider, but
if it’s a thing where, “well, I’m gonna have heart surgery and I’m gonna be out of work for three months”, probably not because you’re not going meet
the standard at that point.
We do offer a book you can get from our website krebslawoffice.com or call us
at 1-800-345-0535 or 417-883-5886, and we can send that out to you.
We do have free downloads on our website krebslawoffice.com.
But the main thing is understand that everybody’s going be different, and
what may have worked for your neighbor or a family member is probably not going to be the same for you because it’s going be dependent upon your work history and your medical condition.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to give us a call. Best of luck, and thanks for watching.
Free Social Security disability evaluation for Missouri and Arkansas residents.
Think you may qualify for disability in Missouri or Arkansas? Would you like a free evaluation by an experienced Social Security Disability Lawyer to know your chances? Want answers on what you can do to benefit your family?
The Krebs Law Firm LLC offers a free case evaluation if you have questions about your Social Security disability claim. Many people may be worried that they do not have the money to pay for a Missouri disability lawyer or Northwest Arkansas Social Security disability lawyer, but we only handle Social Security cases on a contingent fee basis.
In other words, there is no fee unless we are successful in getting you the benefits that you deserve. If you would like to speak to Jason Krebs simply call (417) 883-5886 or Toll Free 1 800 345-0535 for your free case evaluation or to discuss your appeal today! Do not delay as you only have 60 days to ask for a reconsideration if you live in Arkansas and 60 days to appeal in Missouri.
Please note that filing out this form does not mean my office has accepted representation and no attorney client relationship is formed by submitting this form.
Also filing out this review form is not filing your appeal and this website in no way related to the Social Security Administration.
Click Here to to Start Your Free Disability Evaluation
What can be learned from these patterns of denials? The most important concept to take away is that if you are a claimant, you will need to seek medical treatment. In my review of cases, no treatment equals no benefits. Another important lesson is that you have to collect the evidence if you want it considered. You cannot depend on Social Security to do it. Finally, you have to hang in there and expect to appeal. The system is not set up to look at your case objectively from the start. Chances are good that your claim will be denied at the initial and reconsideration stages through no fault of your own. If you do not appeal, you cannot collect benefits.