How Do I Handle Social Media After My Car Accident – Lawyer Springfield MO

Hello. This is Springfield, Missouri personal injury attorney Jason Krebs.

In today’s video we thought we would address something that we’re seeing more and more of, and I think we’re gonna see considerably more of in the future,
and that is the question of how do I handle social media after my
Springfield, Missouri car accident.

Well, the general rule of thumb is you need to stay off of these kind of, whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, whatever comes up next, they keep coming up with new things.

But we’ve become very accustomed to putting stuff, a lot of information out on the internet.

Now, the problem with that is, the insurance industry is fully aware of this, and they spend a considerable amount of time, effort, and energy researching people that make a claim against them.

So, if you put something out on the internet, you can be pretty doggone sure
that the insurance company’s gonna find it.

They’re gonna comb through, find friends of friends, and we’ve seen instances where they’ve tried to friend people, which is improper.

But it’s something that you just have to assume,
if you put it out there, it’s out there and it may come back to haunt you. You might not think that it’s too damaging, but any time you put a picture up that shows you just smiling, they might try to use that against you, as silly as it sounds.

Because if you’re in that much pain, you’re in that much agony,
if you’re out at the beach or down at the lake, or with your grandkids or your children, it’s something that they may try to use against you.

So, don’t make their job easier by putting a bunch of stuff out there.

Now, on the same token, you can’t go out and start erasing stuff or deleting things, because that can be seen as destroying evidence.

So, it’s just something that you don’t want to keep doing it, and you certainly want to limit what you say, and be aware of any people that try to friend you.

And this goes Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, whatever else comes up, the same rules apply.

We do offer this information and a lot more in our free book.

If you want to give us a call at 417-883-5886 or 1-800-345-0535, or, and we can get you a free copy of this book, and we’d be happy to meet with you.

Give us a call, thanks for watching, and good luck.

If you want more information about what you should do after a car accident and learn more about common missteps (and how to avoid them) order your copy my free book before you speak with another lawyer or anyone from the other drivers insurance company.

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Clearly, situations where a victim would benefit from legal representation for a car accident claim far outnumber situations in which having an attorney is unnecessary. Fortunately, we are here to provide you with the assistance you need after a crash. When you are ready to take the next steps, contact me at 417 883-5886 or Toll Free a 1800 345-0535 for a free, no-obligation consultation.