Common Social Security Disability Complaint from KY-3 Call-A-Lawyer

I was asked to sit on the Social Security Disability panel for the Springfield Missouri Bar Association Call a Lawyer program on KY3.There were some common questions or complaints that I heard several times. I will try to answer some of them over the next few posts. It is important to remember, if you are represented by a Social Security lawyer on your pending case, you should contact that attorney directly for questions you may have about your case.

Common Complaint #1

“I had my hearing several months ago and still don’t have a ruling. My attorney isn’t doing anything about it.”

Unfortunately there is very little your attorney can do to speed this up. Many judges help write their own opinions or make numerous revisions to opinions written by SSA opinion decision writers. Wait times of 90 days are not uncommon. Some judges may send you out for additional consultive exams. Some judges are just slower than others. Make no mistake your disability lawyer wants a decision on your case as well.

If you are in Southwest Missouri, Northwest Arkansas or Eastern Oklahoma or Kansas and have been denied and do not have a Social Security Disability Lawyer, The Krebs Law Firm LLC offers a free case evaluation if you have questions about your Social Security disability claim. Many people may be worried that they do not have the money to pay for a disability attorney, but we only handle Social Security cases on a contingent fee basis. In other words, there is no fee unless we are successful in getting you the benefits that you deserve. If you would like to speak to Jason Krebs and his staff simply call (417) 883-5886 for your free case evaluation or to discuss your appeal today! Do not delay as you only have 60 days to file your appeal or ask for a reconsideration if you live in Kansas, Arkansas or Oklahoma.