Things you can do to help your Missouri Workers Compensation case

Below are things  you can do to help your Missouri workers compensation case.

Missouri Workers Compensation and Construction Accidents [JPG, 127.18 KB]

1.  Report your injury to your employer immediately.  The longer you wait, the more damage you do to your case.  In Missouri you have 30 days to make the report.  Do it in writing if your employer does not respond or ignores you.

2. Give your lawyer the whole story
The conversations you have with your Workers compensation lawyer are confidential and protected by attorney-client privilege so you can tell the truth without fear of others finding out. Your lawyer must keep what you say in strict confidence.  Be sure to tell your lawyer everything and answer all questions truthfully so the lawyer can be prepared.

3. Go to doctor appointments and follow doctor recommendations
Getting well should be your first priority. You can’t do that if you aren’t going to the doctor or aren’t following your doctor’s recommendations for treatment or therapy. If you miss your doctor appointments, you are telling the other side that you must not be hurt and therefore, don’t need any compensation for your injuries.

4. Don’t talk about your case with anyone but your lawyer
Don’t tell your friends, family or coworkers about your work injury. Your employer and their insurance company will try and manipulate things you say and use them against you to reduce the compensation paid.  Also, talking to co-workers will almost certainly get back to the boss.  This includes not mentioning your case on Facebook, Youtube and Twitter.  Better yet, put a hold on Facebook and Twitter etc.   What you say in a post, tweet or status update can reveal a lot of about your activities and state of mind. If you are claiming serious injuries, but tweet about an upcoming  hunting trip or post photos of you waterskiing, you can be sure your employer and their  insurance company will find them and use them against you. Insurance companies are not above sending private investigators to physically follow those claiming injuries and following someone in cyberspace is just as easy and effective. Don’t rely on privacy settings of social media applications to protect you. It is better to avoid making any updates until after your case has closed.

5. Be patient

After a work injury it is necessary to wait to resolve the case until you reach maximum medical improvement.  That is you are as good as you are going to get, whatever that may be. This will take time.  Then it is very  likely that you will need to be sent to various experts for examinations.  This will take time also.

6. Listen to your lawyer

If you have been hurt in a  work place accident and have hired a workers compensation lawyer to help with your case, you’ve already taken the first step to securing a more successful outcome.  You chose an experienced Missouri work comp lawyer because he/she can use the law to help you maximize the compensation you can receive for your injuries, lost wages and other pain and suffering after your car accident. What a lawyer may ask you to do (or not do) or the information you are requested to provide is based on their experience and knowledge of the law. For that reason, you should listen to your lawyer and cooperate with requests in order for you to secure the best possible outcome after your accident.

If you would like more information about the Missouri Work Comp process, please request my FREE ebook report Understanding Your Missouri Workers Compensation Case.

(Don’t worry I won’t sell or give your email to anyone)

If you have been in a work place accident  and have legal questions about your Springfield Missouri Missouri Workers compensations claim give me a call at 417 883-5886 for a free consultation.