What Is A Normal Fee For A Springfield MO Automobile Accident Attorney?
This is Springfield’s automobile accident attorney Jason Krebs, and in today’s video I thought we would answer a question we have recently received several phone calls regarding. The question asks, “Is 35-36% or more a normal attorney’s fee to settle a Missouri car accident case?”
The short answer to that is no. In Missouri, that is considered fairly high. Most lawyers are charging 25% to take a car accident case. We don’t escalate up. We start at 25% and we stay at 25% even if we have to file suit on most cases. For complicated trucking cases, the price may be higher, but generally it’s 25% for an uncomplicated car accident case.
There are some automobile accident attorneys that advertise a 10% fee. That is only if the case settles early, which sometimes there is a lot of things that go into that, and so you will need to read the fine print on those. In my opinion, 35-36% before filing suit on a car accident case, would be considered very high in Missouri.
We do offer a book on such cases, if you would like to give us a call at 417-883-5886, or 1-800-345-0535. We would be happy to get that out to you, or you can purchase it directly at https://krebslawoffice.com.
Thank for watching, and best of luck.