If you are injured in a Branson Missouri car accident, semi truck crash or motorcycle accident while on your Branson vacation. You should do the following:
1. PULLOVER RIGHT AWAY: If you can, move your car off the street or to the side of the road. Not stopping after an accident could case you to be guilty of the criminal offense of leaving the scene of an accident or hit and run.
2. E-911: If anyone is hurt, call 911 right away and ask for the police and an ambulance if needed.
3. PHOTOS, PHOTOS, PHOTOS: Take LOTS of pictures of the scene of the accident, the damage done to any cars or trucks, and of any injuries you might have.
4. NEVER ADMIT FAULT: Do not tell anyone that you were at fault. Often times you are in a state of shock and might not be aware of what really occurred.
5. GET THE OTHER DRIVER ‘S INFORMATION: Exchange all of the following information with the other driver involved in the wreck, name, address, phone number, driver’s license, vehicle year, make, model, color, and license plate number, and insurance information, including company, policy number, effective dates of policy, and telephone number.
6. SEE IF THERE WERE ANY WITNESS’ AND GET THEIR INFORMATION: Get their name, address, and telephone number. Make sure you do this for each witness.
7. TELL THE POLICE OFFICER ABOUT YOUR INJURIES: If you are hurt, tell the police officer. The record of your injuries will be put in the investigating officer’s report. If you don’t mention to the police officer that you were injured, the insurance adjuster who will ultimately evaluate your claim might not believe that you were really hurt in the accident.
8. GET IMMEDIATE MEDICAL TREATMENT: If you are hurt get medical treatment right away. Go to the nearest emergency room or to your personal doctor. An injury, if left untreated, may become substantially worse. If you don’t seek treatment or delay getting medical treatment, an insurance adjuster may suspect that you are not genuinely injured and discount your claim.
9. CALL YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY: Tell your insurance company about the wreck but do not talk to the other driver’s insurance company or any adjuster. Usually a claims adjuster for the other driver will be assigned to your claim before you get a lawyer. This usually happens within a day or two of the accident. The adjuster will request permission to take a recorded or written statement (and even if he doesn’t request it you can bet he’s probably recording your conversation). If you are considering hiring a Missouri or Arkansas personal injury lawyer, you shouldn’t give a statement any insurance adjuster for the other driver. Anything you say can seriously jeopardize your case without you even knowing it. Just tell the adjuster that you have decided to hire an attorney, and instruct him or her to refer all further questions to your attorney.
Get this book before speaking to anyone from the other drivers insurance company.
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10. CALL A BRANSON MISSOURI CAR ACCIDENT LAWYER: If you are seriously injured don’t try to settle your own claim. A personal injury attorney will generally be able to get much more money for you than you will be offered in settlement by an insurance adjuster, even when you take into account attorney’s fees. If you do choose to accept a settlement for your injury without hiring a lawyer, you may receive a settlement that doesn’t adequately pay you for permanent injuries and damages. If you’re not sure whether to settle, talk to a lawyer who handles personal injury cases.