Missouri Traffic Fatalities At 15 Year High – Missouri Wrongful Death Lawyer

The Missouri Department of Transportation has released their preliminary numbers for Missouri traffic fatalities in 2021, and they’re rather sobering. For the first time since 2006, there were over 1,000 deaths. These are the highest levels Missouri has seen in the past 15 years.

Many of these traffic deaths could have been prevented if proper precautions were taken. Here are some helpful reminders from a Missouri Wrongful Death Lawyer to avoid having a loved one get involved in a fatal car accident in Missouri.

Talking And Texting

Did you know that it is currently illegal in every state except for Missouri and Montana to text while driving? Just because it’s legal here doesn’t mean you should do it. Either leave your phone turned off or on silent, hidden away somewhere so you’re not tempted to use it.

Driving Under The Influence

Drunk driving is a major factor in traffic deaths each year in Missouri. If you’re going out on your own, consider calling a taxi or a car-sharing service like Lyft or Uber. If going out with friends, have a non-drinking designated driver to get everyone home safely.


Traffic laws are in place for a reason. If you see a speed limit sign, stick to that speed. The faster you drive, the easier it is to lose control of your vehicle or not have enough time to react to potential road hazards before it’s too late.

Not Wearing Your Seat Belt

Missouri is below the national average when it comes to seat belt usage, and the majority of traffic deaths occur among those not wearing seat belts. The solution is simple. The moment you get into your car, put on your seat belt. Don’t even start your vehicle until you’re secured.

Last year proved that Missouri traffic accidents are a more serious problem than they’ve been in over a decade. Even when death doesn’t occur, the fact remains that car crash injuries are common, and often severe.

If you or a family member has been seriously injured after an automobile accident through no fault of your own, then you likely have questions such as whether or not you’re eligible for compensation.

These questions can be difficult to answer on your own. Have your case evaluated for free by a Missouri car accident attorney. The Krebs Law Firm can help.  Call us locally at 417-883-5886 or toll free at 800-345-0535.

Get Help To Fight For Your Rights

If you ever lose a loved one to a fatal car crash, you’ll want to know what your legal options for compensation are. Don’t hesitate to reach out to get the compensation you are entitled to. An experienced Missouri wrongful death lawyer can fight for your rights. Call the Krebs Law Firm at (417) 883-5886 or toll free at (800) 345-0535 for a free consultation.

If you want more information about what you should do after a Missouri car accident and learn more about common missteps (and how to avoid them) order your copy of our free book before you speak with another lawyer or anyone from the other drivers’ insurance company.

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The situations where a victim would benefit from legal representation for a Missouri car accident claim far outnumber situations in which having an attorney isn’t necessary. We are here to provide you with the assistance you need after a car crash. When you are ready to take the next steps, contact us at (417) 883-5886 for a free, no-obligation consultation.