Should I sign anything from the insurance company after a Missouri Car accident? Springfield Automobile Accident Attorney

Should I sign anything from the insurance company after a Missouri Car accident? Springfield Automobile Accident Attorney

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Hi, this is Springfield Automobile Accident Attorney Jason Krebs. In today’s video we’re going to answer the question we have been asked several times here recently. Somebody’s been in a car accident and it wasn’t their fault, the other drivers insurance company is pressuring them to sign a bunch of documents, and the question is: do I have to sign any of these documents?

The short answer is “No” you do not have to sign any of these documents; in fact, it’s probably a good idea that you not sign any of these documents. Typically, what the insurance companies are looking for are what we would call a fishing expedition. They are trying to find some old documents somewhere and some old medical records of yours, where you made some complaint that they can say is the real root cause of the injuries that you’re experiencing now and not the car accident.

Back when I did insurance defense a lot of the arguments were based upon prior medical evidence, so it’s probably not a good idea to sign anything that they ask you to sign, certainly no medical releases or anything like that.

What I would recommend before you sign anything is to get a copy of our book that you can get on our website and we will send you a copy that you can read in your own home and get some answers to the questions you might have. If you have any questions give us a call at 417-883-5886 or 1-800-345-0535. We wish you the best of luck and thank you.

If you want more information about what you should do after a car accident and learn more about common missteps (and how to avoid them) order your copy my free book before you speak with another lawyer or anyone from the other drivers insurance company.

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Clearly, situations where a victim would benefit from legal representation for a car accident claim far outnumber situations in which having an attorney is unnecessary. Fortunately, we are here to provide you with the assistance you need after a crash. When you are ready to take the next steps, contact me at 417 883-5886 or Toll Free a 1800 345-0535 for a free, no-obligation consultation.