Springfield Missouri Car Accidents and Cellphones

There is an interesting article in the Springfield News Leader about Springfield Missouri car accidents and cellphones as well as other accident causes. Accidents overall are down a bit, however fatal accidents were up significantly. The information was compiled from Springfield Missouri Public Works data. This is a worrying trend that unfortunately seems to only be on the rise.

An interesting part of the data notes that cell phone usage was involved in 1/3 of the Springfield car accidents in which a specific reason was stated for the inattention.

The News Leader reported

“A news release from the city also says that in about a third of nearly 200 crashes recently studied, cellphone usage was a factor, at least in part.

There were 19 fatality crashes killing 22 people from January through November 2012, a news release from the city says. During the same time period in 2011, eight fatality crashes were reported.

“Total crashes numbered 6,334, down 212 from the previous year, and injury crashes fell 131 over the previous year to 1,676, the release says.”…

“The city said that in the 199 crash reports from the 12 months of Oct. 1 through Sept. 30, 2012, where specific distractions were listed, 33 percent of the accidents were linked in part to cellphone usage.

“The actual number is much higher as citizens tend to not incriminate themselves with that type of confession,” said Mandy Büttgen, senior engineering technician with the city public works department.”

There is also a great write up on OzarksFirst.com. They use the term “Intexticated” which is very true.

If you or someone you love has been involved in a car or truck accident or motorcycle accident in the Springfield Missouri, Branson, Lebanon, Southwest Missouri area by an inattentive driver, contact The Krebs Law Firm LLC for a free consultation regarding your injury claims. Call today 417 883-5886

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